20 Essential Productivity Tips For Daily Life

20 Essential Productivity Tips For Daily Life

Productivity is not simply just about how you do your work. Peak productivity takes into account your physical state, distraction level, energy, and organization. Today we will look at 20 essential productivity tips for your daily life.

I used to be a person who would make a list and just plow through it, regardless of how I felt, what was going on, or any other consideration. I hated the phrase "work smarter, not harder" because it seemed a wimpy way out. But there is a lot to be gained from working smarter, and that means I have to take into account all of the areas of my life in order to hit peak productivity with minimal effort. Here are the 20 areas that go into my strategy for getting the most done with the least amount of effort.
30 Day Challenge: A Website A Day

30 Day Challenge: A Website A Day

Sometimes I feel that when I declutter my information intake, I get stuck in a bubble of my own making. But in order to keep growing, I need additional inputs. So the 30 day challenge for this month is to search out a new website each day. This month's challenge is to seek out a new website each day.
Making a Dream Board with Canva

Making a Dream Board with Canva

It has been said that a picture is worth 1,000 words. Since we can distill complex thoughts into single images, it makes sense that we can use images to represent our desires. Dream boards, which are collections of things you want, are a collage of images and words that we can look at to remind us of what we are seeking.

Today we will learn how to make a dream board with Canva.

Podcast Episode 14 – Are You A Chronic Starter?

How many projects do you have that aren't finished right now? I'm not talking about just the ones you are aware of. I'm talking about all those things that you put somewhere with the intention of getting back to them "someday". Today we will look at how starting projects can become a problem, a way to list all of your projects, and how to combat some of the things that can keep you from finishing.
Changing Jobs: Let’s Do The Math

Changing Jobs: Let’s Do The Math

How do you know if a new job is the right way to go? If all other factors are equal, how do you know that you're not actually taking a cut in pay?

I get asked this question - a lot - because people know I can do the math. (The price to pay of an engineering degree and a teaching license in math, I guess). So today I wanted to get the article out there so other people can see how to work through it.

Bear in mind that this is just the money numbers. There is a price tag on happiness and sanity, and the following article doesn't take into account dysfunctional workplaces or job dissatisfaction.
30 Day Challenge: Gratitude

30 Day Challenge: Gratitude

One of the things I hear over and over is that for a more satisfied life, one needs to make a gratitude list. I can always use more satisfaction in my life, and so for the new year I have decided to start with a gratitude.