working from home

How To Manage Working From Home

Working from home...many of us are doing it right now. Some are doing it better than others. So how can you make working from home successful? Today we look at various ways, including how to make the mental shift to and from working; maintaining an office space; keeping up motivation and the importance of notes.
Why My Team Is Thriving At Work

Why My Team Is Thriving At Work

This has been a hell of a year. COVID has put a stress on most working people, if it left them employed at all.

I've been working at home since March, and there is no sign of returning to the office. Yet our team is thriving. Someone recently asked me why I thought that was the case. And here are the reasons:

Applying Pareto to Pareto, or Math Doesn’t Work That Way

The Pareto Principle has been much abused in productivity circles. But I recently saw something that blew me away. Someone suggested that if 80% of the results comes from 20% of the work, then it must also hold that 64% of the results comes from 4% of the work.

Umm, no.

So I'm going to put on my math teacher hat here for a bit.
Book Review: Eat That Frog!

Book Review: Eat That Frog!

Eating frogs? Ick! Well, if you eat a frog first thing in the morning, nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day. And that applies to productivity as well. Brian Tracy's book, Eat That Frog! puts some basic productivity principles he's used for success into terms of how to find the frogs, and swallow them down.

Are You Over-Systemized?

I've believed for a while it is possible to be over-systemized. At the point where our productivity systems, whatever flavor they are, begin to take up more time than they save, they have crossed the threshold and have run up against the Law of Diminishing Returns, where at some point, each additional unit input yields less output.

So where is the sweet spot?
kindle book list

Getting A Kindle Book List From Amazon

I've been buying Amazon books since 2009. That's a whole lot of books. And while writing a recent article on backlogs, I realized that I have built up a huge backlog of unread books on my Kindle.

How many, exactly? Well, there's no easy way to tell.

Because Amazon doesn't have a way to export your purchased book lists from their system.That annoyed me. So I wrote a tool to help.

Podcast Episode 32: A Thousand Cuts

I was having to decide, time after time, what I was going to do every single time I looked at my tasks. It was draining my productivity as surely as a thousand tiny cuts would drain my blood. So I needed to revamp my task system.