How (And Why) To Do An Activity Audit

How (And Why) To Do An Activity Audit

Did you ever feel so overloaded that you simply want to shut down? Or perhaps you need to be at least two places at the same time? It gets worse at this time of year, too, with all the holiday activities added on top of everything else. It may be time for you to perform an activity audit.
Easy Time Audits

Easy Time Audits

We all think we know how we spend our time. But if you were to actually track it, you might be very surprised at how different from reality your ideal truly is. The way to get an accurate idea of how you spend your time is with a time audit. And of course an easy time audit is the best because it's, well, easy.
Deliberate Living By Mom Sayings

Deliberate Living By Mom Sayings

Mom sayings: there are certain things that all moms seem to say. I don't know where they started, but I know that my mom said them (or variations of them), and they can all be looked at in the light of deliberate living. Here goes:
5 Ways To Survive A Task Explosion

5 Ways To Survive A Task Explosion

Have you ever found that there is a time when your life is suddenly frantically busy? So much that there are not enough hours in the day to accomplish everything. I've heard this called a Task Explosion. I think explosion is an apt description, because for me it always happens suddenly, I never see it coming, and it sends me reeling across the landscape. I've had a couple of these happen this past year. A couple frantic all-hands-on-deck to get product out the door, coupled with family demands and suddenly everything is turbulent.
Time Management 101

Time Management 101

Managing time is the basis for all productivity systems, yet the systems assume people already know how to do time management. This is  not a fair assumption. Most people don't know how to manage time, but turn to productivity systems to help them.
My Habit Tracker Choice

My Habit Tracker Choice

I looked into switching from my paper habit tracker to apps in October. After evaluating three of them for a few weeks, I have finally made my habit tracker choice.
Finding a Habit Tracker

Finding a Habit Tracker

Do you know how well you do on actually completing the things you consider habits? I’m a big believer in tracking habits so that I have the hard-and-fast numbers to show me, eliminating my mind’s bias in how well I do.