The Night Owl’s Guide to Early Productivity
To people who are night owls either by nature or circumstance, getting up to do a productive morning routine can seem impossible. But it's possible to claim this quiet and uninterrupted time for yourself.
I am biologically wired to do better at night. I catch a second wind at about 9 pm, and then I am off to the races, mentally alert and ready to flex my creative muscles. If I give in to it, I will work until 1 or 2 am, at which point I force myself to go to bed because I know the consequences rather than because I'm tired.
I don't allow this to happen often. After all, I am employed outside the home, and I adhere to my employer's and client's expectations that I will be in the office during business hours. Taking advantage of that second wind means that I am groggy, cranky and unproductive on the work site.
A good friend of mine is a musician and is forced to be a night owl. He often doesn't get done with his paying job until 10, and then has to unwind before he can even consider going to bed.
br So whether you are a night owl by choice or circumstance, you can still do an early routine.
I am biologically wired to do better at night. I catch a second wind at about 9 pm, and then I am off to the races, mentally alert and ready to flex my creative muscles. If I give in to it, I will work until 1 or 2 am, at which point I force myself to go to bed because I know the consequences rather than because I'm tired.
I don't allow this to happen often. After all, I am employed outside the home, and I adhere to my employer's and client's expectations that I will be in the office during business hours. Taking advantage of that second wind means that I am groggy, cranky and unproductive on the work site.
A good friend of mine is a musician and is forced to be a night owl. He often doesn't get done with his paying job until 10, and then has to unwind before he can even consider going to bed.
br So whether you are a night owl by choice or circumstance, you can still do an early routine.