Signs You Don’t Need A Time Management Upgrade

Signs You Don’t Need A Time Management Upgrade

It's always a temptation for me to fiddle with my system rather than actually do the work needed to move myself toward my goals and complete my projects. And so I get a lot of articles in various places on when to upgrade my time management. One of the things I have learned, though, is that it's not about time management, but what I should be focusing on.
Simplified Tickler Files

Simplified Tickler Files

A tickler file is one to manage date-sensitive information. It can be implemented for paper or electronic, and the classic version contains 43 folders. This can be overly burdensome, though, if you don't deal with a lot of date-sensitive material. Today's article is about simplifying the classic approach to ticklers.
Avoiding Lockouts With A Hidden Key

Avoiding Lockouts With A Hidden Key

I've never been a fan of leaving house keys hidden in the yard. But I've come to realize that having backup keys around are a good idea.

Our next door neighbor has a key to the house, as does our former nanny. I thought this was good enough to prevent me being locked out. Turns out I was wrong.

Why Flylady Didn’t Work for Me

I followed Flylady for many years. And felt guilty for not being able to make it work. It was a struggle for me. Was I not doing it right? Flylady would tell me the problem was me.

Here are the ways Flylady doesn't work for me:
The Importance of Routines

The Importance of Routines

A friend of mine, struggling with organization and an insane schedule, has been balking at setting up basic routines to help her out. "They will limit my freedom and creativity" is something I have heard more than once.

But I believe that having routines actually frees up and creates pockets of creative time...creative time I never seemed to have before I implemented routines.
How To Save Money, Time and Calories: “Backup” Pantry Meals

How To Save Money, Time and Calories: “Backup” Pantry Meals

I am big into the idea of menu planning. Besides allowing me to limit my shopping time, it takes off the afternoon pressure of trying to figure out what we will have for dinner.

However, there are days when the planned menu just doesn't work. It could be because we have already eaten all the leftovers, schedules are in conflict, or because the cook (read: me) is ill. Fast food used to be the only option, but we discovered that it is easier and more healthy to have a few backup pantry meals on hand.
The Whys of Productivity: Gathering

The Whys of Productivity: Gathering

The secret to any organizational system is that like items should be stored together, be it by type or by purpose. But in order to see what needs to be organized, you have to know what you have.

Gathering is simply a fancy way of getting information into one place so it can be stored together.
owners manuals

How To Control Owner’s Manuals

Just about everything you buy comes with some sort of paperwork. Appliances, software, window accessories, even furniture comes with a stack of paperwork. While most of that information is simply the manufacturer's way of avoiding liability claims, there is occasionally times when you need to put your hands on that information. If you had to find the papers for a purchase, would you be able to do so? Today we will look at how to control owner's manuals.
manage children's papers

How To Manage Children’s Papers

Childhood is precious, and it passes quickly. The souvenirs of childhood - the papers that mark the gain of skills - can become a jumbled mass if not handled well. Without the context of child, age and year, many of the milestones can disappear. Today we will talk about a method to manage children's papers.

Children are rightfully proud of the work they create, and they want to share it with their families. The amount of paper, though, can be overwhelming, with art projects, spelling tests,worksheets and more. If you have more than one child, it can take over. With a simple system, you can manage the paper so you don't lose the context of who did what when, but also not be overwhelmed with the quantity.